
October 30, 2012


How do I order my yearbook?

Glad you asked Person A, 
Today, everyone should have gotten a report card (if you didn't, ask the office for one). Inside that report card should be a school fees form and on that form should be a box with "Yearbook" beside it. Not to persuade you, but instead inform you of what checking that box means, here is a little summary:

  • Yearbooks cost $50 and can only be purchased using that form or pre-ordered some other way. 
  • You will receive your yearbook on the last day of school (June 27)
  • It is jam packed with awesome pictures of school events, photos of YOU and teachers too
  • The last day of school is a very social time when everyone signs each other's yearbook so you do NOT want to miss out on this
  • You can have it forever
  • It serves as a convenient tangible memory of high school
  • It's going to be better than anything this year 
I have ordered one every year since grade 8 and don't regret a single one of them. They are a great thing to read on a rainy day, keep for a long time and review the year as a whole before summer starts. 
Hope this gives you enough information to make a decision. 
The Rockridge SOS Team