
September 24, 2012

Free the Children Club

I would like to know when the free the children meetings are and if you think I could still join that club? 

Salutations Person A,
You can join almost any club at any point in time in the year. Almost all of them are always open to new members throughout 2012 - 2013. In short, Free the Children meetings are Wednesdays at Lunch in room E206. They will not have a meeting this week because of the pro-d day on Wednesday, but you can go to the meeting next week.

Here is a little summary of the club that can be found on the Rockridge Facebook Group

Free the children is the world's largest network of children helping children through education. The primary goals of the organization are to free children from poverty and exploitation. We do fundraisers throughout the school year to raise money towards building a school or freshwater well in a third world country. Meetings: Wednesdays at lunch in room E206; first meeting on September 19th!
 country. Meetings: Wednesdays at lunch in room E206; first meeting on September 19th!

Hope that helps,
The Rockridge SOS Team