
October 10, 2012

Can't Find Grade 11 buddy

Everybody seems to be talking about their Grade 11 buddy and I dont know who mine is yet.  I think that the Grade 11s have been coming to find the people but mine hasn't approached me yet.

Each Grade Eleven buddy has a list of Grade Eights to make contact with. They have been coming to Grade Eight classrooms to take out their buddy to do various activities   Your buddy could just be taking their time or having a hard time finding you. If most of your friends already have their buddys and you still don't, there are two options to find yours: You could ask some of your friends to ask their Buddy's if anyone has your name on their list, or you could go directly to Mr. Harding who is in charge of the Leadership program. He will find out who is your buddy and ensure that you are taken care of.

The Rockridge SOS Team