
April 10, 2013

What Sports Teams Do You Have?


I will be an exchange student entering grade 10 and attending Rockridge in August and I wanted to ask what sport team I could become a part of. 

Welcome to Rockridge!
 At Rockridge, we are blessed with some outstanding sports teams and amazing coaching. For high school sports in Canada, we have "seasons." Basically, there are Fall, Winter and Spring seasons. In fall, we have cross-country running, Juvenile Rugby (for grade 8's), and Sr. Girl's Volleyball. In Winter, we have Sr. Girl's Basketball, Sr. Boy's Soccer and Sr. Boys Basketball. In the spring, we have Jr. and Sr. Rugby (grades 9,10 and 11,12), Co-Ed Ultimate Frisbee, Sr. Boys Hockey, Sr. Tennis, Track and Field for all grades and genders, Girls Field hockey and Girls Soccer. Sr. generally means grade 10-12 and Jr. means grades 8-9 unless stated above.

It is important to also note that many of these teams have tryouts to become a part of the team, where you have to show your skills for the coaches to asses who they want on the team and in some cases, not everyone gets on the team. Also, you need to buy the necessary equipment for each sport as the school is unable to provide funds for equipment. For each sport there are league fees paid by each player so that schools can compete against each other in a league format. they range from $40-$100 for most sports.

Feel free to ask more questions about coming to Rockridge or any specific questions about a sports team.
The Rockridge SOS Team