
October 9, 2012

Switching schools

I'm between friends right now and have been looking for new ones for about a year now, but its just not happening. I'm scared that I will not find friends at Rockridge. Sure having people you talk to in class is nice but I don't seem to really "fit in" anywhere. I have been seriously considering going to Sentinel for a while and I'm not sure if I should or not. Any advice? 

Salutations Person A,
I'm sorry to hear that your year at Rockridge has not been going well.  Thank you for your openness.  Feeling that one doesn't "fit in" is a common amongst new students (no matter what school they go to), and it is only a matter of time before they find a place in their school community.
I would highly advise that you talk to a counsellor because they will be able to give you the best help. Any discussion in the counsellor's office is confidential (unless someone's safety is jeopardy).  Additionally, your Grade 11 Leadership Buddies are a great resource and support for new Grade Eight students and will be able to help, if you feel comfortable asking. 
I found that the easiest way to connect with new people and make friends is to get involved with the school (if you aren't already).  Rockridge has an abundance of sports, teams, clubs, and other activities which can help you get to know new people.  You meet because you share a common interest, and that can often be the best way to make new friends.   
If you choose to switch to Sentinel, it will give you a fresh start at High School, however you may encounter the same social conflict.  Additionally, the transition may be academically challenging because most courses do not follow the same outline (ex. You may be studying Shakespeare at Rockridge, but Dickens at Sentinel). 
I hope that you are able to resolve this conflict, and I have faith that you will.  The social and involvement aspects of high school are almost as important as the academics.  If you wish to follow up with Rockridge SOS, please send us an email (

The Rockridge SOS Team